Gould Evans Goodman, Kansas City, Missouri
Group One Architects, Kansas City, Missouri
Art District at Rapallo, Estero, Florida
Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia
Gull Lake High Community Schools, Richland, Michigan
Hilton Head Amphitheatre & Performing Arts Center, Hilton Head, South Carolina
Indiana University Northwest, Gary, Indiana
Kellogg Auditorium, Battle Creek, Michigan
Kentucky Horse Park Amphitheatre & Lexington Symphony Study, Lexington, Kentucky
Lofte Community Theatre, Weeping Water, Nebraska
Logan College, Carterville, Illinois
Majestic Theatre, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Marian College, Indianapolis, Indiana
Mount Allison University, Sackville, New Bruswick, Canada
Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, Illinois
Ocean Center Arean, Daytona Beach, Florida
Orpheum Theatre, Sioux City, Iowa
Pagosa Springs Performing Arts Center, Pagosa Springs, Colorado
Performing Arts Study, Battle Creek, Michigan
Racine Civic Center, Racine, Wisconsin
Repertory Theatre at the Christian Theological Seminary, Indianapolis, Indiana
Ricks College, Rexburg, Idaho
Super Channel 55, Altamonte Springs, Florida
United States institute for Theatre Technology, New York, New York
University of Oregon, Portland, Oregon
Vail Valley Conference and Performance Center, Vail, Colorado
Virgil Carr Center, Detroit, Michigan
Western Illinois University Theatre, McComb, Illinois
Wheeler Opera House, Aspen, Colorado
Wichita State University, Wichita, Kansas